Catering Services
At Cannock Chase High School we have our own in-house catering team who prepare a selection of fresh hot and cold meals and snacks each day, including vegetarian options and cater for a wide range of dietary requirements and tastes. We are passionate about providing a wide range of fresh, nutritious meals that offer good quality and value for money.
We recognise the importance of educating our students in developing healthy eating habits for their long-term health and wellbeing and providing meals that they want to eat. Our menus are designed to provide a variety of flavour and to encourage students to eat a balanced and healthy diet, including a varied selection of fruit and vegetables.
Our school catering services are offered through 3 catering hubs distributed across the school site to provide easy access for all students, staff and visitors. This also enables us to cater to the lunch-time preferences of different year-groups across the school and offer an efficient service with more points of sale to reduce queuing time.
We offer a great range of delicious choices to suit all tastes across breakfast, morning break and lunchtime services. We always offer multiple options of hot and cold meals, snacks, drinks and home baked goods.
Breakfast is served daily in the Lower School Catering Hub between 8.00 – 8.45am, offering a range of free breakfast produce (including bagels, toast and a selection of breakfast cereals) as well as the opportunity to purchase other items.
Break time offer includes an assortment of grab-and-go options, including lighter choices that vary from day to day in the week, the menu is located on the right of this page.
At Lunchtime we operate a 3-week menu cycle and current menus can be found on the right of this page.
It is possible that substitutions may be made where supplies for menu options are not available and alternatives need to be offered.
Allergen Awareness
We make a commitment to provide a meal for any child with a registered allergy or intolerance. Please keep us up to date with any special dietary requirements and particularly if your child has any food allergies by completing the Special Diet and Food Allergies Form available on the right of this page.
Free School Meals
Did you know that your child might be entitled to free school meals? Students who are eligible for Free School Meals have their accounts credited with sufficient funds to purchase a full meal each day. For more information and details on how to claim, please complete the form below and e-mail it to Mrs J Moore (, or contact Mrs Moore at the school.
FSM Checker Form
Cashless Catering
Cannock Chase High operates a cashless system of payment in all catering hubs. Please make sure that your child’s ParentPay account is in credit to enable them to purchase food and drinks. You can manage their child's account via www.Parent
Please note the individual spend limit in school is set at £5.00 per day, unless agreed otherwise. If parents or carers wish to amend the daily spend limit, please contact Mrs Moore who will be able to assist with your request (