Sixth Form


Cannock Chase High School Sixth Form is dedicated to providing the highest standard of education and experience for 16-18 year olds, preparing all students to be ‘future-ready’.

In 2019, Cannock Chase High School Sixth Form achieved:

  • 100% A*-E at A level
  • A progress score for academic programmes in line with the national average;
  • Above the national average progress on vocational courses; 
  • Above the national average progress for students retaking GCSE English and/or maths; 
  • 100% of Sixth Form leavers progressing to a positive destination, be that to a university, apprenticeship provider or into employment;
  • Over 70% of students gaining a place in the university of their choice.

The vision of our Sixth Form is a place where every student, regardless of background, thrives and achieves personal excellence.  Our Sixth Form values not only academic success, but encourages students to develop holistic skills which enable all students to have the opportunity to excel on their chosen pathway.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, of both academic and applied general (vocational) qualifications, supporting every student to achieve the profile of qualifications they need for their future. We also provide high quality information, advice and guidance to all students regarding careers and progression, with long-established links to universities, Higher Level Apprenticeship providers and employers.  We have the highest aspirations for our students, encouraging them to move onto the destination of their choice.

Sixth Form Prospectus